Are you interested in experiencing musical in Hong Kong?
Are you one of those people who think opera is for wealthy aristocrats who live in the mid-levels in Central with 3 hours to spare and it's way too swanky for you?
Are you curious about western musical in Hong Kong but not interested in investing the time and financial commitment, especially in Hong Kong the metropolis of hustle and bustle in 2020?
Do you think there is a pretentious aura that operas have? You want to explore musical in Hong Kong, but the social snobbery keeps you away?
Do you believe musical in Hong Kong can be expensive (much like everything else such as property prices in the city) and have an unapproachable air about them?
Do you think all operas come with the following unsaid fine print?
"This is aristocratic and out of your reach. Expensive, exclusive, snooty, and only for those above you in the social food chain. It's performed in a foreign language you will not understand. You are not the right person for this privilege."
We have to tell you that if you are beginner level interest in musical in Hong Kong, More Than Musical is the place for you.
More Than Musical brings to you opera to Hong Kong just the way you would like it - approachable, customised, modern, affordable and more.
La Traviata opera in Hong Kong by More Than Musical
More Than Musical is a non-profit bringing opera to Hong Kong (also, soon to the world- just watch this space!) in an accessible, relevant and contemporary way.
The musical in Hong Kong produced by More Than Musical is by the best artists from the world of opera. If you have never experienced a western musical in Hong Kong, let this will be your gateway - these events are awe-inspiring and have known to take the breath away of those who are new to the world of musical theatre. In Hong Kong, theatres for musical performances are abundant – Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Freespace in the West Kowloon Cultural Centre, Sha Tin Town Hall, you name it. You must attend one of the events produced by them to know the evocative power of a human voice heard live with emotions that are so closely performed you will feel that you are a part of the theatre. This power of music that cannot be translated through any (let’s capitalise it – ANY) electronic device.
Kiss of Tosca opera in Hong Kong by More Than Musical
Here are some values that More Than Musical brings to redefining the culture of opera, in a modern manner in the year 2020:
Musical in Hong Kong that Includes Not Alienates
It is an intimate setting you are close to the performers. Smaller crowds mean you could be a few feet away from the singers. Yes, you can keep your binoculars at home: no staging and no pretentiousness – all musical opera with highlighting the drama the critical scenes and the world-class music. Truth be told you don’t even need to know the story or the theatre. Just come for the experience of the universal language of music…
Musicals in Hong Kong that are Visceral Experiences
The best opera performers from around the world will be brought in by More Than Musical. You don't need years of study of music or art - no need to bring your intellectual aptitude to enjoy it. Sit back or stand up get a drink (whatever the format of the performance maybe) and enjoy the power of the human voice to move you. This is a visceral experience, and the connection between human emotions and music is universal.
Bringing the Best Opera to Hong Kong
The best performers from the world will be showcasing their talents in the shorter gigs. You will not have to compromise as a beginner as to what you can experience. More Than Musical wants only the best for its audience and make it affordable for everyone. You get to interact with the artists - meet other opera lovers or beginners like you. A wholesome quality experience for everyone- not only to a handful of people with hours and hours to spare.
All you need to do is look up the upcoming musical in Hong Kong in 2020. Book your ticket and prepared to get your mind blown.
One of the upcoming events in the summer of 2020 is Carmen | Hong Kong, More Than Musical's first multimedia theatrical production. Carmen is a story of a woman and her unwavering pursuit of self-actualisation as she finds her place in the modern world. (You can check out the original story of Carmen here.) If you are a woman looking for your place in the world this 90-minute adaptation of Bizet's classical opera is for you. Do bring your girlfriends. If you are a man with supporting and encouraging women who are finding their way in the world - you girlfriend, wife, daughter, friend whoever she is- bring her/them with you.
Besides Carmen | Hong Kong, there are various gigs throughout 2020. If you are from Hong Kong you have witnessed the challenging times our city has gone through recently. Social unrest in Hong Kong in 2019 was heart-rending, and outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus in 2020 has urged us to take on extreme measures at all levels of the community. Let's hope and pray that the next three quarters of the year is the time to heal. Let art be your healer - it touches your soul. Let the music carry you through towards a healthy, peaceful and prosperous Hong Kong.